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Growing Edible Crops In Pots

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Growing edible crops in pots is all the rage these days.

Many people who choose to grow edible plants in their container gardens don’t think of flowers or houseplants as being the same thing as container gardening.

While it is the same basic principle, it’s not generally classified the same way.

Most people just think the term container gardening refers to growing non-edible plants.

You can grow many types of vegetables and herbs in containers, and a few types of fruit.


Edibles That Grow Quite Well In Pots

Herbs are the most commonly grown edible plant for container gardening.

Vegetables come in second, and while fruit isn’t grown in containers as often - probably because a lot of people think it would be too difficult to grow fruit in containers, it is possible to grow fruit in containers.

Strawberries are one fruit that grows particularly well in many types of containers.

Strawberries are generally quite hardy, and can even be grown in special grow bags that can be hung on a wall outdoors.

Dwarf fruit trees can often be grown in large pots.

Many smaller dwarf citrus trees grow nicely in pots, and if kept well-pruned they can make beautiful indoor decorations.

Many types of dwarf berry bushes will grow in containers, although they are usually very heavy and can’t be moved easily.

Dwarf varieties of blueberry bushes and raspberries have been successfully grown in containers.

Growing Herbs In Pots

Many varieties of herbs do well in containers.

Parsley is perhaps the most popular herb for container growing.

Basil and chives are also extremely popular for growing in containers.

Cilantro can be grown successfully in containers.

In fact, almost all herbs can be grown successfully in containers.

The key is finding the right size container.

Some herbs can easily be grown in relatively small containers.

Chives, parsley, and basil can all grow in smaller pots.

But some plants grow a bit larger.

Sage, for example, is a bush.

It needs a pretty big pot depending on how large you let it get and how old the plant is.

Most of my perennial herbs are in gallon size pots that are left outdoors over the winter here in USDA Hardiness Zone ⅚.

I do keep the pots up close to my home so they are in a protected area.

The herbs die back during the winter, but most years they do come back alive in the spring.

Growing Vegetables In Pots

Although technically a fruit, tomatoes are probably the most popular "vegetables” for home gardeners in general.

Container gardeners are no exception, and container gardeners plant tomatoes in droves.

It’s probably due mostly to the fact that good tasting tomatoes can be difficult to find.

The tomatoes in most grocery stores are picked green and artificially ripened so they survive shipping without bruising and last longer on the shelves.

Most tomato varieties can be grown very well in containers, especially cherry tomatoes, grape tomatoes, roma tomatoes, and small salad tomatoes.

However there is absolutely no reason why you can't grow full size tomatoes in a container.

Simply plant one tomato plant per five gallon bucket.

Be sure the bucket has plenty of drainage holes and plant the tomato plant as far down in the bucket as possible.

Tomato stems will grow roots when they are in soil.

Other plants that are commonly grown in containers include lettuce and other salad greens, cucumbers, squashes, many types of beans and peas, radishes, carrots, scallions, all types of peppers, and even corn and potatoes.

Most vegetables can be grown in containers if you use the proper size container.

Container Gardening



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