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Easy Guide to Growing Potatoes in Straw-filled Containers

Growing potatoes in straw is a fantastic way to dive into home gardening, offering a simple yet effective method to yield fresh, organic potatoes right from your backyard. This simple method makes it easy to grow potatoes without heavy digging. First, choose the right potato variety and find suitable containers like large pots or even …

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Benefits Of Container Gardening During Changeable Weather Conditions

There are many benefits of container gardening, especially when the weather is constantly changing. This spring , at least here in Indiana, has been a challege – to say the least – for gardeners who want to plant in the ground. One day, the weather is warm and very spring-like. The next day there is …

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7 Easy Tips for Successful Container Gardening

Here are seven tips for successful container gardening that work well for vegetables, flowers, herbs and even house plants. This is because container gardening has many benefits. It’s hard to believe more people don’t grow plants in containers. Although container gardening has become more popular over the past couple of decades, it still isn’t as …

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Easy To Grow Tomatoes Ideal For Container Gardens

For those with limited gardening space – or who do not wish to grow their plants in the ground – using buckets, pots and containers to grow tomatoes in is a great alternative. Containers offer an ideal and creative way to grow fresh tomatoes year-round no matter where you live. Below I recommend three easy …

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