Successful Orchid care is not hard if you understand the basic needs of this plant and provide them with what they need to thrive.
It’s no wonder that people fall in love with the beautiful, exotic looking flowers of the orchid family as the flowers are quite showy.
Orchid flowers come in a variety of colors, the plants themselves come in various sizes and they make great house plants.
Basics Of Successful Orchid Care
Unfortunately, caring for Orchids involves more than getting the plant, watering it and feeding it at regular intervals.
These plants – especially the Blue Orchid – are very in-demand, and most growers create a booming business selling them but often fail to provide adequate care tips with the plants.
Whether or not you’re new to this flowering plant, you can benefit from knowing how to get the healthiest flowers from your efforts.
Start With A Healthy Plant
You want to make sure that the plant you select will give you beautiful blooms which is why starting with a healthy plant is so important.
Some people buy very small Orchid plants in order to save money and then don’t understand why they don’t flower right away.
It can take years for a new plant to flower and thus what you want to do is select one that is in bloom.
This also helps to make sure the flowers on the plant you choose are ones you will like.
Some Orchids have fragrant flowers and some do not.
Choosing plants that are in bloom is the only way to know for sure if your Orchid is fragrant or not.
It is ok to buy ones on sale with faded flowers because while they may not flower again for a while, you know they are of blooming size.
Buy Plants With Healthy Leaves
If the leaves are pale or look spotted, then the plant isn’t healthy and it is best to not purchase it.
If you already have Orchids at home and the leaf color isn’t consistent, then something’s wrong with the plant.
Spotted leaves often mean the orchid has a virus and it is best to avoid buying Orchids with this problem.
Why A Virus Is Bad News
A virus can easily spread to your entire orchid collection and kill your plants.
In the event one of your Orchids gets a virus, be sure to separate it from your healthy plants right away.
Properly dispose of diseased plants and do not add them to your compost pile because the disease could continue to spread.
Proper Watering Is Important
Give your plant the water amount that’s suitable for the type of orchid that you have.
Give your Orchids plenty of water, especially in the hot summer months.
The moss and bark they grow in can dry up very quickly during hot weather.
Be sure to keep an eye on the roots to make sure you’re maintaining a healthy moisture level.
Healthy Orchid roots are plump and green, not brown, black or shriveled.
Shriveled roots that are white, brown or black are dead.
Carefully cut away all dead or damaged roots from the plant during the re-potting process.
Orchids Love Shady Spots Outside
When it’s nice outside, let the plant spend some time outdoors, but not under the direct glare of the sun.
Just like human skin, these plants can sustain a nasty sunburn and then the leaves don’t look as nice.
But remember to bring them back indoors once the temperatures begin to drop.
I place my orchids in a spot that receives filtered morning sunlight and afternoon shade.
Another tip is use a hummingbird mister during the hot afternoon to offer extra humidity around the plants.
I make sure to bring them indoors once the temperature falls to 50 degrees Fahrenheit at night.
Fertilize Your Orchids On A Schedule
Be sure to feed your Orchids on a regular schedule per the instructions on the fertilizer you use.
You can use regular plant fertilizer for this, but be aware that many regular plant fertilizers contain salt, which isn’t good for your Orchids.
I use a fertilizer that is designed just for orchids.
This way my Orchids get the right amount of nitrogen, potassium and phosphorus they need to thrive.
Typically Orchids get a balanced amount of nitrogen, potassium and phosphorus.
Look for an Orchid fertilizer that says something like 20-20-20 on the label.
Repot Your Orchids As Needed
If you’re bringing home new Orchids, odds are that they’re in a pot that’s meant as a temporary home.
Don’t make the mistake of leaving them in the pot for too long, instead replant them with a mix that’s specifically made for your orchid.
Be sure to remove any dead roots or faded flowers during the repotting process.
Watch For Pests On Your Orchids
Keep an eye on your Orchids because they can get infected with pests.
Pests love to devour plants, draining them of their beauty – and in the case of a serious infestation, killing the plant completely.
There are special sprays you can buy and natural methods you can use to treat your Orchid, killing any infestations and keeping new ones at bay.
The key is to catch the pests right away before your plant is completely infested and reaches the point of no return.
Results Of Successful Orchid Care
By taking the time to properly care for your Orchids, they will yield a crop of flowers that you can enjoy over and over again.
Orchid flowers also last quite a while each time they flower.
They will continue to reward you with additional bloom spikes as long as they are happy.
Don’t let the thought of the kind of care they need overwhelm you because let’s face it, all plants need proper care to thrive.
Once you get the hang of successfully growing orchids and getting them to rebloom, you’ll be glad that this was the flower you chose to grow in your home.
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