How To Care For Holiday Plants
Have you ever wondered how to care for holiday plants such as the Poinsettia or the Christmas Cactus?
Have you ever wondered how to care for holiday plants such as the Poinsettia or the Christmas Cactus?
How to grow spider plants is a question I get asked often, and for good reason! Spider plants are a popular choice for both novice and seasoned plant enthusiasts. Their easy-going nature and vibrant foliage make them a delightful addition to any home. Whether you're just starting out with indoor gardening or you're looking to …
Bringing a new plant into your home is like inviting a new friend to share your living space, but here's the catch – indoor plant bugs prevention and cure become crucial. But here's the catch – along with the beauty and freshness, you might unknowingly bring in some uninvited guests. Household plant pests, including aphids, …
Caring for indoor palm plants, including popular varieties like the areca palm, majesty palm, and parlor palm, is an art that goes beyond mere aesthetics. These botanical companions not only add a serene allure to your living space but also demand thoughtful consideration for their well-being. Let's dive into the heart of this lush green …
Spider Plant Light Requirements are like the secret code to unlocking this green beauty's full potential. Imagine a humble yet strikingly attractive houseplant, with its gracefully arching, variegated leaves and tiny white blossoms, thriving in bright, indirect sunlight—the Spider Plant. This fascinating greenery, native to tropical and southern Africa, scores high on adaptability, capable of …
Indoor spaces come alive with the addition of plants for small spaces. These remarkable green companions have the power to transform even the coziest nooks into lush, vibrant areas bursting with life. Their adaptability allows them to thrive in places with spatial constraints. Whether they're trailing along a wall, basking on a sunny windowsill, nestled …
Eucalyptus growing indoors is a subject close to the hearts of both gardeners and houseplant enthusiasts. The eucalyptus tree, a symbol of both beauty and vitality, has captivated admirers for centuries. It's not just its majestic presence in outdoor landscapes that draws our fascination but also its remarkable adaptability to flourish within the cozy confines …
Fall tropical plant care is a topic that's incredibly close to my heart. As the temperatures drop and the leaves change colors, it's essential to ensure your cherished tropical treasures are ready for the colder months. In this comprehensive guide, I'll walk you through the process of smoothly transitioning your exotic tropical plants for the …
When it comes to knowing when to use Fluval Stratum for houseplants to enhance the survival and growth, especially if you're a fan of rare gems like Hoya or passionate about plant propagation, the journey can often feel like navigating a complex maze. When it comes to providing your green companions with the perfect blend …
Disclaimer: I received this item for free or at a discounted price in exchange for my honest, unbiased review. All opinions are my own. You know, it's not every day you come across something as fascinating and practical as Marimo Moss Balls for your aquarium. These little green wonders are not only a delightful addition …
If you're a fan of greenery and want to make the most of your south-facing window, you're in for a treat. South facing window plants are a fantastic addition to your home, turning it into a vibrant and soothing oasis. For these plants to thrive, they require specific conditions, with sunlight being a key factor. …
The Philodendron Florida Ghost, with its captivating beauty and unique characteristics, has become a beloved addition to many indoor plant enthusiasts' collections. Known for its striking appearance and relatively low maintenance requirements, this rare and elusive plant has gained a reputation as a prized possession among plant lovers. In this guide, we'll delve into the …
With its captivating variegated leaves and delicate shades of pink, the Philodendron Pink Princess has carved a special place in the hearts of plant enthusiasts. This comprehensive guide is your passport to mastering the art of Pink Princess care, whether you're a seasoned plant aficionado or just embarking on your journey. From lighting nuances to …
When you think of bold and exotic plants, your mind might wander to far-off lands, where lush rainforests and mysterious jungles are teeming with unique and unusual flora. Perhaps you envision plants with striking colors, peculiar shapes, or even a touch of the bizarre. It's easy to associate exotic plants with distant, tropical destinations, but …
Welcome to my world of botanical treasures that include a variety of variegated and other interesting plants! This past week has been a delightful journey as I scoured the plant kingdom for variegated wonders and intriguing colors. There's something truly magical about the way these plants can infuse life into any corner, and with winter's …
Tropical gardening isn't just a pastime; it's a captivating journey that draws you into its lush embrace. From the moment you place a tiny palm tree in your living room, you're embarking on an adventure that transforms your space into a thriving, verdant paradise. But this enchanting transformation isn't just about aesthetics – it's about …
It's so easy to create a festive Christmas terrarium. Plants add a touch of elegance to indoor decor and when you add them to a terrarium, they add a bit of nostalgia to your decor. During the winter months, and especially during the holidays, incorporating plants into your decor is - simply put - a …
I fell in love with the corkscrew leaves of the Albuca species and knew I had to add this to my plant collection. Of course, living in Indiana it can be a bit difficult to obtain fresh seed from other countries, so I joined several plant societies including the Pacific Bulb Society in hopes of …
Did you ever wonder where the pastime of cultivating tropical plants came from? The tropical craze actually came from the Victorian Era. To the Victorians, it was a great pastime. Today, we are seeing this long forgotten pastime revived. With many North American gardeners pushing the horticulture envelopes of temperate enviroments, you see more and …
Escape the dull days of winter and brighten up your corner of the world during the long dark winter months with indoor flowering tropical plants! Who needs silk arrangements when you can have the real thing? There is nothing more cheerful than a plant springing into bloom when it is cold and snowy outside. …
This week we are going to delve into various tropical plants for medium to high light. Remember that these lighting conditions can be achieved either by natural light or by grow lights. So, just because you don't have a sunny window or greenhouse doesn't necessarly limit your choices if you are willing to make a …
With spring upon us again, many of you are looking to perk up your flower beds with a mass of color, try using colorful foliage plants. Annuals are great way to add masses of color either alone or mixed in with trees, shrubs or perennials. Another great way to acheive this goal is to add …
Ophrys are a group of terrestrial Orchids with unbranched stems and showy flowers that often resemble insects. There are approximately 150 species, according to the American Orchid Society, that naturally hybridize. While collecting plants or even seeds from the wild is discouraged, there are numerous places to purchase plants that were grown in cultivation.
So, you’ve been looking for a reason to get your hands on some exotic houseplants, but what if I tell you that they don't just clean the air? What's more is these plants are not only easy-to-grow but they do extremely well indoors. Here are two suggestions of exotic tropical plants that are perfect in …
Learning how to care for plants is the best way to learn how to grow healthy plants. These six easy tips for house plant care are a great starting point. Each plant has its own individual needs so read the care tags carefully, follow a plant maintenance schedule and your houseplants are sure to flourish.
Some plants need more care than others and are best left to an expert gardener as opposed to a novice one. If you fall into the latter category of gardeners it is best to choose indoor gardening house plants that are easy to care for, are hardy, and have a low maintenance schedule.
Fall is here which means winter isn't far off and it's time - once again - to bring your tropical plants indoors and come up with a decorating idea with tropical plants. We all know the drill - move the plants out in spring, redecorate, then panic once the nights begin to cool down. If …
Allamandas are tropical beauties that are native to South America, and come in different shades of yellow, although you will find some in shades of purple, chocolate and white. Allamanda Neriifolia, produces clusters of flowers, while Allamanda Cathartica produces single blooms that may reach up to five inches across.
Pineapples are a tropical fruit native to South America but you can grow and harvest pineapple no matter where you live. Pineapples have been cultivated and grown for a number of years in the region of Brazil, however these exotic fruits make great houseplants. Even in cold climates it is possible to get these plants to …
My Theobroma cacao story began the moment I learned that this was the plant chocolate actually came from. My quest to learn more about this particular plant has taken me many places - Chicago, New York, Key West, all over Indiana and I even ended up making a good friend in Puerto Rico who grows …
Have you ever thought about how to grow cinnamon? Or maybe if you have, you have wondered if it would grow in a pot as a houseplant. Few of us ever think about where cinnamon comes from, but can you imagine walking down a street lined with Cinnamon Trees? That's everyday life for those who …
My love of exotic pitcher plants is something I blame on HGTV and here is why. I was watching Home & Garden Television one day when a beautiful red pitcher shaped plant was shown. This made me curious. I went on an all out search for this beauty, nicknamed the pitcher plant, botanically known as …
Successful Orchid care is not hard if you understand the basic needs of this plant and provide them with what they need to thrive. It’s no wonder that people fall in love with the beautiful, exotic looking flowers of the orchid family as the flowers are quite showy. Orchid flowers come in a variety of colors, the …
What a grand suprise I had tonight when I opened my greenhouse door – the very first bloom on the Zantedeschia aethiopia Green Goddess I grew from seed was waiting for me! I was so excited I had my daughter Sarah stop decorating the Christmas Tree to come and see the bloom! Angel, my yellow …
These beautiful fragrant plants botanically known as Brugmansia are commonly known as Angel’s Trumpet. Do not confuse them with the other plant also commonly known by the same name but botanically known as Datura. While the plants look similar, Brugmansia flowers hang down towards the earth and Datura flowers face upward towards the sky. …
There are many indoor gardening beneficial plants to choose from. From edible plants ideal for teas or culinary seasonings to plants that help heal minor cuts or burns to those that help remove impurities from indoor air, there is sure to be at least one suitable for your indoor gardening environment. Some of these plants require …
One of the first tropical plants that really intrigued me was Tacca - which is commonly known as the bat plant. First I read everything I could find on how to grow tacca.
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