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Colvillea racemosa and Eremophila maculata var. brevifolia

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The plants in the greenhouse are doing so well that I decided it was time once again to dig into my seed stash to see what unusual seeds I could come up with. I have a nice stack sitting on the table beside me that I want to germinate over the next few weeks, however the two that I started with tonight are Colvillea racemosa and Eremophila maculata var. brevifolia.

I chose these two to start with for two reasons. The first reason is I love the flowers they will produce. The second reason is because the Colvillea is fragrant. I love fragrant plants as well as those with unusual flowers or foliage.

Colvillea racemosa

This plant has bright orange flowers that remind me, in pictures, of wisteria blooms. While I have not seen this plant in person, I have looked at photos online. I am in Indiana, so this zone 10 and 11 plant will remain in the greenhouse in a pot. This will help me control its natural growth which can be in excess of thrity feet tall. It prefers full sun to partial shade so the location I have planned for it in the greenhouse will be perfect.

Since all parts of this plant are poisonous, it will be grown close to my Brugmansia, which is also poisonous. By growing poisonous plants together in one area of the greenhouse, I can avoid any run off going into pots of edible plants, meaning there will not be a chance for the soil of the edible plants to be poisoned.

I am germinating the seed in a petri dishe with a bit of paper towel in the bottom. There is plenty of hot water in the bottom of the dish for the seed to absorb. It is my understanding that the seed can take up to fifteen days to germinate. A good soak in hot water seems to help speed up germination.

Bees, butterflies and birds love this plant, which to me is another plus in growing it. Although the bees here this year are just terrible, there is a need for them and it is necessary to provide enough nectar to keep them around and keep them happy.

Eremophila maculata var. brevifolia

Ah, the flora of Australia, I love it. There are so many cool plants from that area and this is another one. Hardy in zones 9 to 11, this plant will be greenhouse grown here in Indiana. Given that it is a rather small plant only reaching about four foot tall, keeping it happy in a pot should not be a problem.

Considering it is evergreen, has year-round blooms and is drought tolerant, it seems like a perfect plant for people in many locations.

I am germinating these in petri dishes as well, but do not have them in as much water as the Colvillea seeds.

Soaking in small containers with lids filled half way with hot water, I have Piper nigrum, Nicolaia elatior, double blue Clitoria, Schinus molle var. areira, golden chain tree and Desmos chinensis.

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